How Often Should You Shop Around For Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance is a crucial part of protecting your belongings and financial security when you are renting a home or an apartment. But how often should you shop around for renters insurance to ensure you are getting the best deal and coverage?

Let’s explore this in simple terms that everyone can understand.

What is Renters Insurance?

Before diving into how often you should shop around, let’s understand what renters insurance is. Renters insurance is a policy that protects your personal items, offers liability coverage, and helps with extra living costs if your rental home is damaged by events like fire or bad weather and you can’t live there.

Why is Renters Insurance Important?

  • Protects Personal Belongings: Imagine if there was a fire in your apartment and you lost everything. Renters insurance helps replace your belongings, like furniture, clothes, electronics, and other valuables.
  • Liability Coverage: If someone gets injured in your apartment, renters insurance can help pay for their medical bills or legal costs if they sue you.
  • Additional Living Expenses: If your apartment becomes unlivable, renters insurance can help cover the cost of temporary housing and other related expenses.

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How Often Should You Shop Around For Renters Insurance?

1. When Your Policy is Up for Renewal

The most common time to shop around for renters insurance is when your current policy is about to renew. Insurance policies typically renew every year. When you get your renewal notice, it’s a great time to check rates and coverage options from other insurance companies.

2. After a Major Life Change

Significant life changes can affect your insurance needs. Here are some examples:

  • Moving to a New Place: Different locations have different risk factors. For instance, if you move to an area with a higher crime rate, your premium might increase. Shopping around can help you find a better rate.
  • Getting a Roommate: If you decide to get a roommate, it might change the amount of coverage you need.
  • Acquiring New Valuables: If you purchase expensive items like a new computer, jewelry, or a musical instrument, you might need more coverage.

3. After Filing a Claim

If you’ve recently filed a claim, it’s a good idea to shop around. Your current insurer might increase your premium due to the claim. Other insurance companies might offer you a better rate, even with the recent claim on your record.

4. Every Year

Even if nothing major has changed, it’s a smart move to shop around for renters insurance annually. Insurance companies often change their rates and offer new discounts. Regularly comparing policies can ensure you are not overpaying.

5. When Your Financial Situation Changes

If your income changes significantly, you might need to adjust your coverage. For example, if you start earning more, you might want to increase your liability coverage or add endorsements for high-value items. Conversely, if you’re earning less, you might need to find ways to cut costs.

How to Shop Around for Renters Insurance?

  1. Assess Your Current Coverage
  • Look at your current renters insurance policy. Understand what it covers and how much you are paying. This will give you a baseline for comparing other policies.
  • Determine Your Needs
  • Consider any changes in your life and belongings. Make a list of what you need in a renters insurance policy, including:
  • Coverage amount for personal belongings
  • Liability coverage
  • Additional living expenses
  • Any special endorsements for valuable items
  • Get Quotes

Contact multiple insurance companies to get quotes. You can do this by visiting their websites, calling their customer service, or using online comparison tools. Make sure to provide the same information to each company to get accurate quotes.

  • Compare Policies

When you have several quotes, compare the policies side-by-side. Look at the cost, coverage limits, deductibles, and any additional benefits.

  • Check Discounts

Ask about any discounts that might be available. Common discounts include:

  • Multi-policy discount (if you have other insurance policies with the same company)
  • Safety devices discount (if your rental has smoke detectors, burglar alarms, etc.)
  • Claim-free discount (if you haven’t filed any claims recently)
  • Read Reviews and Check Ratings

Look at customer reviews and the financial stability of the insurance companies. This helps ensure you choose a reputable company that can pay out claims.

  • Make a Decision

Once you’ve done your homework, choose the policy that offers the best coverage for the best price. Contact the company to finalize your new policy.

  • Cancel Your Old Policy

After securing your new policy, cancel your old one. Ensure there is no overlap or gap in coverage during the transition.

Example Scenario

Let’s look at an example to make this clearer.

Case Study: Moving to a New Apartment

Sarah lives in a small apartment and pays $15 a month for her renters insurance. She is moving to a larger apartment in a different part of town. Here’s what she does:

  • Assess Current Coverage: She reviews her current policy to understand her coverage limits and premiums.
  • Determine New Needs: Sarah realizes she needs more coverage because her new apartment is bigger and she just bought a new TV and some furniture.
  • Get Quotes: She contacts three different insurance companies and gets quotes for her new apartment.
  • Compare Policies: Sarah finds that one company offers a better rate for the same coverage and has good reviews.
  • Check Discounts: She asks about discounts and finds she is eligible for a multi-policy discount because she also has car insurance with one of the companies.
  • Make a Decision: She chooses the company that offers the best deal and provides the coverage she needs.
  • Cancel Old Policy: Once her new policy is active, she cancels her old policy.

What Are The Benefits of Shopping Around?

  1. Save Money

Insurance companies compete for customers, so shopping around can help you find lower premiums. Even a small saving each month can add up over time.

  • Better Coverage

Your insurance needs change over time. By shopping around, you can ensure your policy matches your current situation and provides adequate coverage.

  • Access to New Discounts

Insurance companies periodically offer new discounts. By exploring your options, you might find discounts that weren’t available when you first bought your policy.

  • Improved Customer Service

Customer service quality can vary between companies. By reading reviews and checking ratings, you can choose an insurer known for good customer service and easy claim processes.

Also read: What Happens If The Insured Tenant And The Insurance Company Fail To Agree On The Amount Of Loss?


Shopping around for renters insurance might seem like a hassle, but how often should you shop around for renters insurance. Regularly reviewing and comparing policies ensures you get the best coverage at the best price.

Remember to assess your needs, get multiple quotes, and take advantage of discounts. Whether it’s at renewal time, after a major life change, or just as a yearly check, staying on top of your renters insurance can save you money and provide peace of mind.

By following these simple steps and tips, you can make sure your renters insurance policy is always the best fit for your life. So, next time you receive that renewal notice or go through a significant life change, take a moment to shop around – it could make a big difference!

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